Senegal: Health stuff
There has been a lot of discussion on our group chat about what to bring for 16 days in Senegal. (12 other teachers are going to Senegal with this group.) So, I decided to write some posts about what I'm packing.
The weather in Dakar and Louga will be between 90 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit during the day. The first priority for hot days is safe water. Although most families have running water in the cities, our American guts aren't used to all that the water may contain. So I have a Grayl water bottle.
The risk of malaria, a mosquito-borne illness, is low during the dry season, but I'm still planning to wear bug repellent with DEET daily. I'm also going to be taking Malarone pills, a daily anti-malaria prophylactic.
I'll be packing sunglasses (Dollar Tree!) and my favorite sunscreen, Alba Botanica.
Lastly, I'll have a small first aid kit -- mostly full of Bandaids for blisters!
Is there anything I'm forgetting?