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Global Education Assesment Tools

Tool 1: The Global Education Checklist

This resource is structured in a checklist format into knowledge, skills, and participation. It’s a good way for all stakeholders to be held accountable for promoting global education in our school.


Tool 2: The Globally Competent Learning Continuum

Teacher can use this tool to evaluate pedagogy and practice as self-reflection.  It asks the educator to assess their own skills and dispositions regarding global education. Are you as a teacher committed to globalizing your curriculum? This will help you find out.


Tool 3: Educating for Global Competence Matrices

This is the one I would like to endorse for HF-L. It has one matrix that is general and the following are discipline specific. In addition, each matrix uses Bloom’s taxonomy vocabulary to assess students in each of the four global competencies. It is thorough and clear so teachers can assess where the pedagogy is as well as where their students are.

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